UnderMINDing Uprooting: Investigating the impact of forced migration on the mental health of refugees and asylum seekers


In 2018, an estimated 19 million people worldwide endured forced migration and displacement. This crisis has created increasing numbers of refugees and asylum seekers searching for safe spaces, but the support they receive falls short of what is needed–especially in terms of mental health.

This program will investigate the factors impacting the mental health of refugees and asylum seekers before, during, and after migration. Before displacement, refugees and asylees experience various forms of trauma and violence. During migration, they often undergo extensive stays in detention centers, devoid of basic resources and family connections. After resettling, the fate of refugees and asylees is intertwined with the intersecting effects of poverty, literacy, education, employment, housing, healthcare access, and more. Ongoing stress inflicted by resettlement impacts their mental health and quality of life greatly. With the recent expansion of detention centers lacking adequate mental and physical health support, increasing policies of deterrence, and the COVID-19 pandemic, the issues facing refugees and asylees are more salient than ever.

Throughout our time together, we will examine these issues through multiple lenses by working with refugees and asylees, educators, community organizers, healthcare workers, and policymakers to gain a deeper understanding of the barriers and avenues to change. Ultimately, our goal is to understand and advocate for mechanisms that can better support refugees and asylees and improve their quality of life. We hope that through this process, we will further develop our empathy and understanding, and become better advocates for this resilient community of people.

Site Leaders:

                Anvita Kandru and Christa Westheimer: EXTREMELY EXCITED TO BE SITE LEADERS TOGETHER!

            Anvita Kandru and Christa Westheimer: EXTREMELY EXCITED TO BE SITE LEADERS TOGETHER!

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ASB Research Paper Final Draft

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